11/20/2018: Steve Kerr chaired the meeting – Manager Mark Matusak reported: · Treasurer Jim Stuttle presented financials for review and discussion. The Boards was pleased with expenditures as on target for the year. The Budget Actual showed repair of equipment as higher than usual but was compensated by overage in other budget line adjustments. · The 2019 Budget was further reviewed, discussed and approved by the Board and will be posted for public comment. The final budget will be voted on 12/18/18. · Mark Matusak gave the Manager’s Report. Burials are still down. The Board discussed possible reasons but it is a trend for inner city cemeteries. Most burials at this date are happening in rural cemeteries. Two family estates are in the discussion process, and overall and the purchase of lots is at a good level. · Four tours have been were given this Fall: E/P High School, Washington Gifted School, Master Gardeners and Mark Bill’s School. City Subsidy discussions are on-going.
· Seasonal layoffs have been implemented and the cemetery is now functioning with 4 staff. Fall cleanup was affected by the early onset of winter weather and may need to be completed in the Spring. · Construction progress is moving along on schedule for the Scattering Garden. · Fundraising is moving along nicely for “The Civil War Shaft Project”. · Prairie Gardens Marketing update was reported and marketing of the cemetery was discussion. There was agreement that the cemetery’s history could be the key to setting Springdale Cemetery apart from other cemeteries in the area and the State. · The Board then called Executive Session. Kathie Raiborn, Observer Comments are closed.
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December 2023