The Peoria County Election Commission held its monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 8, with all members present. Executive Director Tom Bride explained the State guidelines for PPE for the upcoming election, what they are, what has been purchased, and which will be reimbursed. Each polling place will need separate entries and exits and someone to monitor social distancing. Online videos will be used to train election judges. These will include information on use of PPE (hand sanitizer, face shields, and alcohol wipes) in addition to normal judges' training. Masks cannot be mandated for voters, but they will be encouraged.
As of September 8, the Election office had received approximately 23,000 requests for Vote By Mail. About 5500 of those were received on line. Any requests received by October second must be mailed by October 6. Voters will be able to track their ballots on line. If another person physically returns a ballot to the Election Commission, an affidavit must be signed. That is not necessary if the ballot is mailed or put in a drop box. The election office has received 200-225 applications for judges, with a goal of 400-500. Some judges have declined to work this year. Director Bride presented the Commission's proposed budget to the County. The only concern seemed to be from where money for the new voting system would come. The final budget may get tweaked, but so far it was deemed acceptable. Chris Schmidt, Connie Romanus, & Irene Pritzker |
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