The Peoria County Board held its regular meeting June 9th with all present but Member Allison, and Members Reneau and Reliford participating via phone.
Proclamations were read recognizing the recent Illini Bluffs 1A state softball championship and Limestone student, Wilson Georges, 2A state championship and state record in the 1600m race. There were no Citizen’s Remarks. A brief Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act public hearing related to Heddington Oaks refinancing was conducted with no comments. The Consent Agenda passed on a vote of 17-0 with one item pulled for discussion. Items included: · Authorizing issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds not to exceed $42 million for refunding outstanding alternate bonds. · Acceptance of a Family Violence Coordinating Council grant. · Engineering, infrastructure, road improvement, or erosion control for projects on Glasford Road, Dry Run Creek and within Hallock Township. · The item discussed authorized a 3 year license agreement funded with federal ARPA funds to support a “one-stop shop” for promising entrepreneurs entitled Lifting Up, LLC. This program is currently in use in Morton and Muscatine, IA. The regular agenda consisted of few items and all were approved following questions and discussion. · A waiver request for a land parcel split in Jubilee Township. · Review and hold on Executive Session Minutes due to confidentiality issues. · Suspension of the Rules to permit extension of the Declaration of Emergency due to COVID-19 in the county. Items of note during Miscellaneous and Announcements: · Member Phil Salzer encouraged board members to participate in a county jail tour in order to better understand current challenges there. · Support was encouraged for the upcoming West Peoria Fourth of July Parade, Glen Oak Park July 3 fireworks, and Moss Bradley Sale following pandemic cancellations. Jim Runyon, Observer Link to the meeting agenda and video are here: The Peoria County Board held its regular meeting May 12th with all present but Member Pastucha and two members participating via phone-Members Elsasser and Rieker.
A proclamation recognizing the 36th Annual Gerald Brookhart Arts in Education Spring Celebration began the meeting. Monica Hendrickson, Peoria City County Health Department Administrator’s tenth anniversary with the department was also recognized. There were no Citizen’s Remarks. The Consent Agenda passed on a vote of 17-0 without discussion. Items approved included:
Link to the meeting agenda and video are here: Agenda Video The Peoria County Board held its regular meeting April 14th with all present but Member Salzer and three members participating via phone-Members Bryant, Fennell, and Reliford. The meeting was brief—38 minutes.
Many proclamations began the meeting recognizing the following:
There were no Citizen’s Remarks. The Consent Agenda passed on a vote of 17-0 without discussion. Most items were focused on regular financial matters. The employment agreement with County Administrator Scott Sorrell was amended following his performance review. The regular agenda consisted of three items and all were approved.
Link to the meeting agenda and video are here: Agenda Video The Peoria County Board held its regular meeting March 10th with all present but Member Rosenbohm.
One Citizen’s Remark in support of the pending Springdale Cemetery agreement and preservation of the savannah under the pending care of the Peoria Park District. The Consent agenda passed on a vote of 17-0 without discussion but two items were voted on separately to allow members to abstain due to possible conflicts of interest. Among approved items were:
Link to the meeting agenda and video are here: Agenda Video The Peoria County Board held its regular meeting February 10th with all present but Member Bryant. Members Reliford, Elsasser and Rosenbohm participated by phone.
There were no Citizen’s Remarks. The Consent agenda passed on a vote of 16-0 without discussion. Among items approved were:
Link to the meeting agenda and video are here: Agenda & Video The Peoria County Board held its regular meeting January 13th with all present. There were no Citizen’s Remarks.
The Consent agenda passed on a vote of 17-1 without discussion. Among items approved were:
Jim Runyon, Observer Links to the meeting agenda and video are here: Agenda Video The Peoria County Board held its regular meeting December 9 with all present except Chairman Rand and Member Reliford.
During Citizen’s Remarks, Tim Howard, LVWGP Vice President and Board member, read a letter on behalf of the League of Women Voters Greater Peoria thanking the County Board, its Redistricting Committee, and past board members Allen Mayer and Stephen Morris for their excellent redistricting process and resulting districts map. The Consent agenda passed without discussion. Among items approved were:
The Peoria County Board held a special meeting November 30 with all present except Members Pastucha and Windish. Member Reliford participated via phone.
The sole agenda item was final approval of the draft redistricting map based on the 2020 Census and that will be in place for the next decade. Former members Allen Mayer and Stephen Morris worked with the county IT and GIS departments to determine population gain/loss in each census track and then drafted a map that reflected these changes but also retained substantially same populations—the 18 districts vary in size by no more than 124 people. In general, heritage neighborhoods within the City of Peoria lost population while the Route 6 Corridor saw significant growth compared to the 2010 Census. All 18 members will be elected in 2022. Members thanked Mayer and Morris for their bipartisanship and generosity for volunteering their time and expertise. The map was approved unanimously on a 16-0 vote. The interactive map is available on the County website under the Departments/GIS tab. During Citizen’s Remarks, Sherriff Brian Asbell surprised the board by announcing he would not stand for election in 2022. He cited unspecified policy disagreements with the board over the past year for his decision not to run again. Jim Runyon, Observer The Peoria County Board held its regular monthly meeting November 11 with all members present except Chairman Rand. Member Rieker participated via phone.
The meeting was preceded by a Redistricting Committee meeting that discussed recent changes to the draft county board district boundaries including recent modifications for the more rural areas in Districts 14 and 16. Four public comments were read into the record. The interactive draft map that will be recommended for approval is available on the County website under the Departments/GIS tab. Videos describing the redistricting process will be posted on the same site beginning November 24th. Additional public comments will be accepted through November 30 when the county board is scheduled to vote on the draft map. One proclamation was read recognizing Small Business Saturday. Ten items on the consent agenda were approved without discussion. Among these items were approvals of a contract extension for independent external auditing, a three year contract for health care provision for juvenile and adult detainees, technology improvements for the county board room, and a bid for rehabilitation of a bridge on Swords Avenue. Under regular business:
Video of meeting (copy paste): The Peoria County Board held its regular monthly meeting October 14th with all members present except Chairman Rand. Member Daley participated via phone.
Two proclamations recognizing Bartonville Hardware’s 70th anniversary and the Heart of Illinois United Way’s 100th anniversary were read. Twelve citizens offered remarks related to the proposed 2022 budget’s staffing and appropriation reductions in the County Auditor’s office. Among those speaking were Jessica Thomas, County Auditor, and the three employees impacted by those reductions. State’s Attorney Jodi Hoos also spoke later in the meeting responding to some statements made during public comment. The seventeen consent agenda items were approved on a 16-1 vote without discussion. Among those items were acceptance of five grants, approval of additional funds for the Distillery Labs Smart City/Mobility Living Laboratory, and approval of four infrastructure projects in western Peoria County. Other regular business included approval of a Long Term Care Ombudsman/Senior Advocate position in conjunction with the Center for Prevention of Abuse, and discussion and approval of ten resolutions related to the 2022 budget. Highlights include:
Jim Runyon, Observer |
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December 2023