Regular meeting of Board of Commissioner of PHA met in person and online. There were no public comments. Consent agenda approved without discussion. Items approved:
Date of annual PHA meeting to be announced. Board adjourned for closed session meeting. Next meeting scheduled for March 23, 2023 at 4:30 P.M. You can review agendas and minutes at website: Connie Romanus, Observer The Board of Commissioners met for regular monthly meeting with quorum present. One public comment was heard from 66 year-old male resident with multiple complaints about landlord follow up on plumbing and other issues. Chair Cannon asked individual to leave contact number with staff for follow up.
Armeca Crawford, CEO, asked Department heads to highlight something outstanding that department has achieved. The resident council at Sterling met in May with new resident representatives. Human Resources recently held employee recognition luncheon and distributed service awards. Modernization gave update on capital improvement plan for scattered site housing, elevator maintenance and corridor renovation at Sterling Towers, as well as roof replacements this year. Ms. Crawford was hired in April 2022 to lead Peoria Housing Authority. She also gave update on follow up of issues residents had presented at May Board meeting. Minutes of May 2, 2022 regular meeting and May 17, 2022 special meeting were approved, as well as the Consent Agenda. Resolution passed to update admissions and occupancy policy per HUD regulations to include minimum of thirty-day notice to families at risk; previously notice was fourteen days. In addition, families will be provided with information on securing funding for rent. On June 17, 2022, PHA will hold Strong Families Event from 1:00 P.M to 4:00 P.M. at 100 S. Richard Pryor Place, Peoria. The event will host food, fun and information about HUD initiatives: health, education and economics. July 5 meeting of the PHA of Commissioners will be held at Sterling Towers. Agendas available at Connie Romanus, Observer The May 2, 2022 PHA Board of Commissioners met for regular monthly meeting in person and virtually.
Several individuals spoke during community comments at beginning of meeting. One resident of Sterling Towers complained about bed bug infestation that has led to sleeping in car. CEO Newman planned to meet with this person after meeting. Landlord complained about communications and lack respect of PHA employees. He needed to have electrician do some repairs and inspection scheduled before work completed. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 7, 2022 were approved, as well as, closed session meeting of March 7, 2022, and special meeting of March 31, 2022. This Observer is monitoring PHA website for posting of meeting minutes within 10 days of Board approval per IL Open Meetings Act (OMA). As of May 18, 2022, the minutes of February 7 and March 7, 2022 meetings are not available on website. It is also noted that CEO report and reports listed under Consent Agenda are not readily available to the public to review. This lack of transparency raises concerns that PHA does not have an effective plan in place to follow Open Meeting Act. e. Note: LWVGP requested FOIA in March from PHA to review meeting reports and minutes not posted at that time. PHA staff and legal representative forwarded records that were requested in reasonable timeframe. Reports approved by consent agenda. Resolution approved to amend employment contract of new Chief Executive Officer, who started April 25, 2022. Under new business, Chair Cannon announced “lunch and learn” meeting scheduled for Board members on May 17, 2022. The next scheduled meeting of the PHA Board of Commissioners is June 6, 2022 at 4:30 P.M. Connie Romanus, Observer Due to lack of quorum, the regular monthly meeting was not held. Next meeting of Board of Commissioners is scheduled for May 2, 2022. Meeting agenda available on website.
It is noted that a Special Meeting regarding approval of the CEO employment contract was held on March 31. Agendas are posted on website: https://www Connie Romanus, Observer March 7 PHA Board of Commissioners’ meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Chairman Carl Cannon. There were no community comments or Family Self Sufficiency graduates.
Minutes of regular meeting open session of Feb. 7, 9 and 10 were approved, as well as closed session minutes for those dates. As of March 17, the approved minutes of the Jan. 3 meeting were not posted. The consent agenda was approved unanimously. Chief Executive Officer Jackie Newman reported demolition of Taft Homes is in progress after hard work by staff and should be completed in 2022. She also noted disposition of properties vacant for approximately 10 years was approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. These properties couldn’t be rehabbed and will be removed from PHA property list. There was no discussion on the search for CEO. This observer was not able to find any of the meeting reports for viewing. The Board went into closed session at 4:47 P.M. to discuss issues related to purchase or lease of real estate or the setting of a price for sale or lease of real estate. The next meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be at 4:30 p.m. April 4. Agendas are posted on website: www Connie Romanus, Observer The Board of Commissioners met for regular monthly meeting electronically due to COVID-19 pandemic. There were no public comments or FSS graduates. Human Resources announced one new employee this month and anticipate another in next few weeks.
Minutes of special meetings of January 6 and 7, 2022 were approved, as well as the Annual and Regular meetings of January 10, 2022. Consent agenda approved without discussion. The Chief Executive Officer’s report was brief. Ms. Newman’s written report was distributed to Commissioners but was not available on website or at meeting. HUD scores for 2021 in progress; scores carried over from prior year and will be resolved in January – February 2023. She will report on upcoming changes in housing programs in March. Being no old or new business items to bring forward, or board comments, the Commissioners went into closed session for employee compensation issue at 4:45 PM. There was no update from CEO Search Committee. Next Board of Commissioners Meeting is March 7, 2022, at 4:30 P.M. C, Observer Peoria Housing Authority (PHA) Board met electronically December 6, 2021 with all Commissioners present.
Three residents graduated from the PHA Family Self Sufficiency program. This program has allowed the three women to complete educational and financial goals, as well as, become home owners. This program can take up to five years for an individual to complete. Minutes of November regular meeting and special meeting were approved. Reports were approved by consent agenda. Resolutions were approved to submit FY2022 Public Housing Budget, as well as, Operating Budgets for Housing Choice Voucher Program and Mainstream Voucher Budget to Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Board also voted to appoint additional board members to the Committee to select Chief Executive Officer. Board approved 3-year collective bargaining agreement with AFSCME membership. The PHA Board of Commissioners meets the first Monday of each month electronically. Information available at Connie Romanus, Observer The Board of Commissioners met for regular monthly meeting with a quorum present. Absent were Commissioners Alma Brown and Kim Furness. There were no community comments presented. New receptionist, Tenora, was introduced and welcomed. Current employee, Ernest Jackson, was promoted in the accounting department. There were no FSS graduates this month, but anticipate one in December.
Jackie Newman, Chief Executive Officer, reported on recent program she attended on “Choice Neighborhood” program. She sees this as an opportunity to begin positioning PHA and partners to pursue grant funding available for Housing Authorities with distressed properties, such as Harrison. The two-year grant would need to involve city planning, as well as other partners. A second two-year grant could be applied for, as well as other funding.
There was no update on CEO candidate search. Ms. Newman reminded the Board of the importance of employee training in available grants and other programs to position PHA for future success. The next meeting of the Board of Commissioners of PHA will be December 6, 2021. Meeting schedule and agenda available at Connie Romanus, Observer A quorum was present at the monthly meeting of PHA Board of Commissioners. Two topics for community concern included one resident with issue of mistaken identity affecting her status with PHA and Rhonda Sexton, union bargaining representative, regarding employee contract issues related to Taft redevelopment.
Two residents of PHA completed Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program that enables them to increase their income and reduce reliance on welfare and rental assistance. Both are in process of purchasing a home for their family. Jackie Newman, Executive Director of PHA, gave overview of Taft redevelopment project status. The new housing development will be names Provident Pointe, with ground breaking scheduled on October 6. Reports to Board were approved by consent agenda. A resolution was approved to accept revisions to Administrative and Occupant Plan which will change eligibility to allow persons without crime record in past six months to apply for housing, as well as maintaining records of denial for review by state Criminal Justice Board. Kadar Hefner announced selection of CEO search firm, Organizational Leadership Edge, to find applicants for PHA Executive Director position. Board approved this action. Resolution passed to approve FY2022-2026 5 Year Plan and FY 2022 Annual Agency Plan which are posted on PHA website. The 5 Year plan has 45-day public comment period. The Board discussed current lack of Resident Councils at PHA sites and effort to promote these. Latasha Perry, Board member, cited the benefits of these to address common issues and share information with residents. Councils have rules process and elections to elect residents to individual council. Board adjourned for closed session to discuss collective bargaining issue. Connie Romanus, Observer The Board of Commissioners of PHA held its regular meeting Sept. 7, with quorum present. Several members of the public attenders to express concerns regarding conditions of PHA housing family of seven scheduled to move into before end of September.
The Gardner family of seven has been assigned to Taft temporary housing and conditions of 2-unit location include mold, water damage, uncovered electrical outlets, as well as other issues. Mrs. Gardner was present in addition to Karrie Alms, Elaine Hopkins, Lawrence Maushard, and Allison Galvan. Community members expressed concern regarding lack of communication to Gardner family regarding when unit would be available, checklist to ensure repairs completed and perceived lack of respect from PHA staff. Comments took 30 minutes of allotted time at beginning of board meeting. Mr. Maushard called for dismissal of Chairman Carl Cannon and CEO Jackie Newman. Ms. Alms stated she had filed complaint this date with U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as 2022 PHA plan was not available for review, in addition to lack of digital access to plan information. Elaine Hopkins spoke on behalf of American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU) and member of North Valley Neighborhood association regarding locked gates at Taft complex over past year. She cited incident where emergency responders were not able to respond to call due to access issues. She has requested documentation under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Chairman Cannon expressed appreciation for comments and told group issues would be addressed. Consent agenda was approved without discussion. Resolutions approved to upgrade flooring in common areas at Sterling Towers and Taft Homes redevelopment final closing documents. A Rector and Reeder & Lofton representative gave presentation on FY 2020 financial audit. Positive review with comments for improvement in turnaround of units and how wait list managed. One finding related to financial reconciliation reporting, with operation improvement plan developed. Financial employees recognized for improvements in operations and cooperation during audit. Note: WCBU reporter Hannah Alani interviewed Jackie Newman on September 16,= about Taft redevelopment: ——— Connie Romanus, Observer |
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