The Peoria County Election Commission met on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, with all present except for Commissioner Burke. In the discussion of expenditures, Director Bride pointed out that the Commission was $65,000 under budget, even with the added expense of cleaning three voting locations which was promised before the election. These savings were due primarily to having fewer judges than in the past.
Director Bride pointed out that the Commissioners were only getting ½ of their normal pay (which is set by statute). Last spring the Peoria County Board had asked all departments to cut their budgets by 11% because the pandemic had decimated income. Full pay had been included in the 2020-21 budget, but Director Bride had forgotten to notify the County to return the Commissioners to full pay. The Board voted to deviate from the statute for the first six months of this year rather than receive that pay retroactively. A Request for Proposal for new voting equipment will be sent out soon. Proposals will come to the Commission office, and a committee will be formed to evaluate them. The committee will consist of two Commissioners, staff, someone from IT, the attorney, and maybe a County Board member. Someone from the local disability community will be asked to check accessibility. Irene Pritzker, Observer |
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