The Peoria County Board held its regular meeting June 9th with all present but Member Allison, and Members Reneau and Reliford participating via phone.
Proclamations were read recognizing the recent Illini Bluffs 1A state softball championship and Limestone student, Wilson Georges, 2A state championship and state record in the 1600m race. There were no Citizen’s Remarks. A brief Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act public hearing related to Heddington Oaks refinancing was conducted with no comments. The Consent Agenda passed on a vote of 17-0 with one item pulled for discussion. Items included: · Authorizing issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds not to exceed $42 million for refunding outstanding alternate bonds. · Acceptance of a Family Violence Coordinating Council grant. · Engineering, infrastructure, road improvement, or erosion control for projects on Glasford Road, Dry Run Creek and within Hallock Township. · The item discussed authorized a 3 year license agreement funded with federal ARPA funds to support a “one-stop shop” for promising entrepreneurs entitled Lifting Up, LLC. This program is currently in use in Morton and Muscatine, IA. The regular agenda consisted of few items and all were approved following questions and discussion. · A waiver request for a land parcel split in Jubilee Township. · Review and hold on Executive Session Minutes due to confidentiality issues. · Suspension of the Rules to permit extension of the Declaration of Emergency due to COVID-19 in the county. Items of note during Miscellaneous and Announcements: · Member Phil Salzer encouraged board members to participate in a county jail tour in order to better understand current challenges there. · Support was encouraged for the upcoming West Peoria Fourth of July Parade, Glen Oak Park July 3 fireworks, and Moss Bradley Sale following pandemic cancellations. Jim Runyon, Observer Link to the meeting agenda and video are here: Comments are closed.
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