Chairman Steve Morris began the October 16th meeting reporting follow-up to the citizen comment at the September meeting regarding concern about run-off water affecting an adjacent citizen’s property. Mr. Morris thanked County Highway Engineer Amy McLaren for her prompt action in seeing that the blocked highway culvert causing the problem was cleaned. He said that this culvert is on the County list for replacement and was silted in. The Foth Company landfill engineering report covered several special waste approvals, which included:
Over permit levels of chloride in one up-gradient monitoring well will result in an increased permit level for just that one well due to sources that are explained to be from off landfill property or possibly from the coal mining years before the landfill.
Landfill receipts are down again. Chairman Morris addressed this in discussion of the proposed budget for FY2020. He commented that while the proposed budget is not perfect it is not in the red. While Waste Management estimated 2020 tonnage at 171,000 tons, the city financials had a conservative 155,000 tons projected. Foth Engineering suggested using 165,000 tons for planning purposes which would mean an estimated $446,052 in landfill revenue for the year. Chairman Morris stated this budget will require taking funds out of planned surplus but that it keeps the budget in the black. Mr. Fox asked about risks of going beyond budget. Mr. Van Winkle stated he is concerned that major repairs don’t get kicked down the road. Waste Management commented that they hope that tonnage increases in 2020 and that changes made to increase amounts for the pre-approved waste will help. The PDC report updated the status of the Landfill 3 wetlands mitigation project. Chris Coulter will be speaking to the Peoria County Health Committee about the proposed changes. The next Landfill Committee meeting is November 20th. Joyce Blumenshine, Observer Comments are closed.
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December 2023