The Peoria County Board of Election Commissioners met on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, with a quorum of three. Commissioners Bartolo and Ketterer were absent.
In his monthly report, Director Tom Bride said that there would be a kickoff meeting for the new voting system the following day. A calendar will be determined through the primary in June. On the 15th, he and Elizabeth Gannon will be going to DeKalb County to observe a mock election on the Hart equipment, which is the same equipment that Peoria County will be getting. DuPage and Peoria Counties are the only voting entities in Illinois doing ballot on demand. New voter registration cards will be sent out. They are not forwardable and are sent back to the Voting Commission as undeliverable if the person doesn't live at that address anymore. Those voters whose cards were "undeliverable" are then sent a letter that can be forwarded, telling the voter that they need to change their voting address. Peoria has been visited by Cybersecurity personnel from the federal Department of Homeland Security. They evaluated the local election office and made a few recommendations, mostly having to do with documentation. They gave an active shooter seminar, but found no necessary changes. IP, Observer Comments are closed.
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December 2023