The regular third Wednesday of each month Peoria City County Landfill Committee meeting began at 3 p.m. at Peoria City Hall Room 404 with Chairman Steve Morris presiding and member Zach Oyler absent. During the Foth Engineering report, committee member Rick Fox asked for more information regarding one of the special waste products approved for disposal. Mr. Fox referred to several comments on the Material Data Safety Sheet regarding toxicity of manganese sulfate monohydrate. The substance was accepted at the landfill because it was not a RCRA hazardous waste. The Foth review will turn down substances that could be a risk and they can also bring items of concern to the committee. The gate audit check showed all procedures in place and being followed. Due to the cold weather only one load of landfill leachate was reported for the previous month. Waste tonnage receipts were up for January 2020 which have helped landfill revenues and 13,168.18 tons were recorded compared to January 2019 which was 12,199.75 tons. Waste Management staff could not be present for the meeting and had sent notification to the Chairman. The Peoria Disposal Company report was given by Chris Coulter who informed the committee that the RFP for the planned lake rehabilitation and wetland enhancement project was released in mid- January. This work is in conjunction with the future construction of Landfill No. 3 by PDC. Mr. Coulter said four proposals have been received. PDC will be scheduling a meeting with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources regarding the wetland and water project, likely in March.
Foth Engineering gave an update on Landfill No. 1. They plan to have bids opened March 26th for several of the larger repairs needing to be done, with a one year contract and the option of three one year extensions. No new business was given. The Committee Chairman commented that the State’s Attorney office is again not present and as there were no specific legal matters before the committee he did not see a problem. He said he does want to be sure the Landfill Committee is not charged by the county when no legal assistance is provided. The next meeting is March 18th. The meeting lasted less than 30 minutes. Joyce Blumenshine, Observer Comments are closed.
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December 2023