League of Women Voters of Greater Peoria is a member of Central Illinois Healthy Community Alliance which is dedicated to clean air and water in our area and which is supported by LWVUS positions. This is a message from CIHCA: Throughout its half century of operations, the E.D. Edwards plant has stored large amounts of coal ash dangerously close to the Illinois River. The accumulated toxic coal ash, containing toxins like arsenic, mercury, lead, currently sits in an 89-acre, 32-foot deep unlined pond near the plant and has caused documented groundwater contamination around the site. This legacy of pollution has left the Illinois River "impaired" for mercury, leading the state of Illinois to post fish consumption warnings. Join the Central Illinois Healthy Community Alliance as we bring this issue to the attention of our elected officials in Peoria City and County and testifying about coal ash and asking for the bodies to pass resolutions in support of strengthening coal ash rules.
As Illinois is currently considering an IEPA proposed regulation on coal ash handling, residents living in near coal ash pits have asked the state to require the removal of coal ash from failing pits to high and dry landfills, allow for the assessment and prevention of damage to rivers and lakes, and provide more opportunity for public input. They are also urging a requirement that power companies provide financial assurances so that taxpayers aren't left paying the bill for coal ash disaster clean-up. In case you missed it, watch this 60 Minutes special about the 2014 Dan River spill of coal ash. Like CIHCA on Facebook and for more information." Comments are closed.
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December 2023