eTransparency Survey
2016 eTransparency Survey Results
April 2016: During the past few months the League of Woman Voters of Greater Peoria have developed and performed a review of information available on the Internet related to the governance of many of our local elected and appointed public bodies. Please take a few moments to review this project that grades which government bodies are doing a good job, those that are not doing a good job, and a few that almost don't exist as far as the Internet knows. This review was based on our principle that a democratic government depends upon informed and active participation of its citizens and requires that governmental bodies protect the citizen's right to know by giving adequate notice of proposed actions, holding open meetings, and making public records accessible. For citizens to contact their locally elected officials requires that their name, phone and/or email be available in this case, on the website. We are providing a summary of this project, our goals and process used, plus a more detailed explanation of the survey, and finally the score cards with results for each of the government bodies surveyed. These score cards and the summary documents have been sent to representatives of each of the surveyed government bodies. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. Rick Fox eTransparency Project Chair (309) 369-5330 [email protected] Cheryl Budzinski President LWV of Greater Peoria (309) 253-9594 [email protected] |